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Why Get A Pet Membership?

As a nonprofit, our sole interest is in protecting our members, not our bottom line. Here's our winning combination of member support, which you won't find anywhere else.

Pre-Existing Conditions

Yes! Pre-existing conditions are eligible for reimbursement. For each year you keep your pet membership, we give you:

  • An additional 10% reimbursement on pre-existing conditions, up to 90% total, and

  • An additional $1,000 in annual reimbursements for pre-existing conditions, up to $10,000 annually.

That means  after you have your membership for 1 year, you get 10% of your pre-existing condition costs reimbursed, up to a maximum $1,000 for the year. Those numbers increase each year.

Your Personal Payment Responsibility still applies only once per year.

Unlimited Reimbursements

Once you have a Membership, your pet gets unlimited reimbursements on any condition that comes up.


When you join, these waiting periods apply:

  • 30 days for accidents and illnesses, and

  • 30 days for Wellness Budget, and

  • 1 year for orthopedic conditions. 

There are no annual, per-condition, or lifetime limits on your pet medical costs.

There are also no maximum per-item cost limits on the products or services your pet receives. 

Pre-Existing, & Unlimited

Your Pet Medical Costs

You are responsible for the following pet medical costs:

  • A $500 or $2,500 Personal Payment Responsibility each year. 

  • Also, 10% of your pet's total pet medical costs. We reimburse the remaining 90%. 

  • Lastly, any exam fees.

That's it. There are no administrative or sign-up fees to join, and no hidden fees later on.

Health and Wellness

All your pet's health conditions are eligible for reimbursement - nothing has been singled out in the fine print. Here are some examples of hard-to-cover conditions we reimburse you for:

  • Inherited conditions.

  • "Bi-lateral" conditions, like getting a ligament tear on one leg after having it on the other leg previously.

  • "Related" illnesses or injuries, like when a medicine for one condition causes another condition.

  • Skin and ear conditions.

Plus, wellness care is included in all Standard Memberships, because an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

How It Works

Using Your Pet Membership

Taking advantage of your membership benefits is easy

Any Vet

Take your pet to any vet, no exceptions.

Pay the Bill

Most vets require payment when service is rendered.

Direct Payment

For bills of $1,000 or more, we can pay your vet directly.

Submit the Bill

If we didn't pay your vet directly, just submit the paid bill to us online.

Get Reimbursed

We process your request, and reimburse your pet medical costs.


Get 5% off membership fees for spayed or neutered pets, plus another 5% off  if your pet is also adopted from  a shelter or rescue.

Your Cost & Conditions

Membership Benefits


While we don't exclude any pet conditions, there are situations where reimbursements are not available:

What's Excluded



Why It Matters
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