Wellness Pet Care
Keeping our pets healthy takes planning. Here is an overview of the many aspects of pet health you should consider ahead of time. Use this as a guide to give your pet more years of health and wellness. As always, talk to your vet to find out the best wellness plan for your pet. Our Standard Memberships include all of these routine and preventative care benefits, to make funding your pet's wellness needs is easier than ever.
Core Wellness Care
Without a doubt, this preventative care is the crucial to keep your pet healthy and happy for a lifetime.
Dental Cleaning
As needed
Veterinary dental cleanings keep our pet's teeth healthy and pain-free.
Wellness Bloodwork
Wellness Bloodwork for pets can detect otherwise invisible health problems.
Heartworm Test
An annual heartworm test prevents this parasite from hiding in your pet, undetected.
Lyme Test
Stop Lyme disease in it's track with a simple, annual blood test.
Titer Test
Titer testing lets you check to see if your pet needs any vaccine boosters.
Fecal Test
Fecal tests detect worms and other common parasites in the GI tract.
Heartworm Preventative
Monthly, or as directed
Prevent this deadly pet parasite with a simple, monthly medication.
Flea & Tick Preventative
Monthly, or as directed
Fleas and ticks will stay away with a good quality medication.
Dental Care Products
Use daily to stop plaque build up
A tooth-brushing session a day keeps the pet dentist away!
Once in a pet's lifetime
Never lose your pet with this injectable microchip implant.
Once in pet's lifetime
Gastropexy surgery prevents bloat in dog breeds prone to the condition.
Premium Wellness Care
Sometimes you need to go the extra mile for your pets. These are some widely used extra wellness care.
Essential Maintenance
Here are some of the most basic pet maintenance requirements every pet parent will need.
OFA Testing & Certification
Once in a pet's lifetime
The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals studies and tracks genetic diseases.
Health Certificates
As needed
Health Certificates are often required when your pet has to travel by airplane.
Training & Behavior
Ongoing requirement for puppy/kitten
All pets have to learn what humans expect from them as new family members.
Pet Grooming
Monthly, or as needed
Whether your pet needs clipping, or just a bath, grooming is inevitable.
Ear Cleaning
Monthly, or as needed
Healthy ears need less cleaning, but all pet ears benefit from an occasional ear wash.
Anal Glad Expression
As needed
Expressing the anal glands keeps dogs smelling nice and prevents gland blockages.
Nail Trim
Check your pet's nails once a month to see if they need a trim.
Grooming Supplies
As needed
It's important to use pet grooming supplies, because they are PH balanced for animals.
Nutritional Care
Nutrition can have a big impact on your pet's wellbeing. Ask your vet what your pet needs.
Prescription Food
Daily (if needed)
Prescription food helps to maintain chronic conditions in pets.
Nutritional Supplies
As needed
There are a wide variety of supplements to keep our pets healthier.
As needed
Yes, even pets can benefit from vitamins sometimes!
Pill Pockets
As needed
Help your pet take their medicine with delicious pill wraps.
Over-the-counter Medicine
As needed
Just like humans, over-the-counter medicine is available for many pet conditions.
Comfort Care
Some pets need the little extras to thrive. Here are some frequently used comfort items.
Over-the-counter Medical Supplies
As needed
Special bandages and so much more are now made especially for our pets.
Activity Monitors
As needed
Ever need to know what your pet does when you are away? Find out with activity monitors.
Orthopedic Bedding
As needed
Pets who are older or have orthopedic problems need special bedding.
Alternative Treatments
If you prefer alternative treatments, these are growing in popularity.
As needed
Needles are inserted into a pet's skin to treat a variety of conditions.
As needed
Electromagnetic waves are used to align the energy fields in a pet's body.
Chiropractic Treatment
As needed
A licensed professional uses their hands to adjustment a pet's spine.
As needed
Acupuncture for pets, with a mild electric current added through the needles.
Holistic Treatments
As needed
Treatments designed to incorporate the pet's whole body into the treatment plan.
Homeopathic Treatments
As needed
Treatments involving diluted natural products designed to improve a pet's health.
Magnet Therapy
As needed
The use of magnets and magnetic or electromagnetic fields to treat pets.
Massage Therapy
As needed
Massage used to promote recovery, comfort, and pain management in pets.
Nutritional Counseling
As needed
Veterinary counseling designed to provide the best nutrition for your pet's needs.
Ozone Therapy
As needed
Artificially created ozone administered to pets through a variety of delivery methods.
As needed
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As needed
A non-invasive energy healing for pets, which heals and balances chakras.
T.E.N.S. Therapy
As needed
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation for pets uses electric currents to treat pain.
Veterinary Orthopedic Manipulation
As needed
Similar to Chiropractic care for pets, often using technology to treat the spine.